Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Valentine said the married man is not credible which would

 Valentine said the married man is not credible which then reproduced from the is unwilling to give up on men's commitment, when a man has described the future too good to share a very deep feelings, and made numerous looks sincere commitment to the future and they have already linked up this man deeply. Question, even if one exists, they can not tell that they really deny these feelings because it makes them no place to place, so that they lose all the dependencies.
fact, not a man say, not credible, but very often our own and can not really responsible for their own words and deeds. Time change, environmental change, and today we said in the difficult atmosphere in the future have been tested and realized. Some wish destined to be eliminated, forgotten and abandoned. Extramarital affairs in particular such a special emotional state, it is itself being present in the deception and concealment, lack of moral backbone and a bright future, building on the lack of responsibility to such a state as the background to say the words, not have a trusted role.

1, my marriage is not happy

In order to please the lover, the other side do not feel like watching a pot of shameless eating a bowl of the believers, of course, to show their not. It was not happy to say that happiness would say, anyway, whenever the time of marriage a little longer, and wanted to get something his wife's guilt, or not difficult. Those of normal married life out differences and contradictions, out of cause and effect, from the reality of the reason, they look similar to the blood and tears to ensure that complaints or difficult to do this.
why we have said in front of men say happiness is only a pretext, and exposed his own ability to fight for their own well-being of the poor, good nature to avoid responsibility, not repeat it here.
really happens there is this poor excuse for unbeatable results. Some lovers dare to confidently face the people's wives is because they believe the men talk, they feel, since you can not be happy to be giving way to a man, not occupied latrines is not that what, you do have such a wife failed, quickly disappeared as early as possible. Although sometimes we may feel that this is really stupid, but the feelings of control by men of women will have a tragic impulse to rescue the other, will make people become crazy and stubborn. In fact, when these girls into their marriage when the marriage went through a real test, you know there is too complicated marriage into the background, and that a separate complaint frustration out how the wife of the man is hateful.

2, I will divorce

that derailed a lot of verbal check of the men had one, after all, people have embarrassed when, as on other people's beds, but also the expression of sweet talk have feelings, and then cocked to open the condition of the face, Of course those who advance the rule of men account for a relatively Wan Dezhuan, usually men, have failed.
Moreover, the feelings are warm people often feel when neither can do without, people become crazy, and sometimes crazy to promise a future is understandable. Sometimes impatience to appease lovers also need to use this phrase to stall for time, can not drag the past, many men attend to think, anyway, a time considered a time off, time to say.
whenever This is, and that divorce is inversely proportional to the frequency and duration. You expect him to be irresponsible on the family, and then you charge? It's like a joke to his wife in a divorce lawyer, said: I first split up someone else's home, then come back to build our home - the same ridiculous.

3, in fact, a piece of paper does not mean anything to appease lovers

men often say this when he tried to make lover to be an independent personality, contempt for secular people, so that he can outside the home can be manipulated properly, will not affect the marriage lovers clamor for their marriage.
said this man is no doubt more emphasis on marriage. But do not want to offend the lover, say you really had in mind, we can only desperately discredit the role of marriage, raise the emotional component. Men often will say: You see we love so well, and how different couples, as long as we love each other, marriage is nothing but a piece of paper, there it any different?
between big go. A piece of paper, of course does not mean anything, can be married is not a pride thing, but this piece of paper to ensure a woman to perform a social role of honest, can be peace with the world's eyes, so she would not mind full of guilt entangled in the suffering, a certain stage in a woman, is the most important thing.

4, now the divorce is too costly to wait for time to

wise man is not to say she did not want a divorce, nor is it could not divorce, but stressed how much the difficulty of divorce. This is to reflect their own feelings to the active efforts made, but also logical to delay the deadline for divorce; both lovers can get sympathy, but also can sit back and relax to enjoy marriage.
such as men would say that divorce is very negative on the distribution of property, money in the hands of his wife, the divorce will be lost on their own initiative, so that the lives of their future unfavorable to wait for their money Piandao Shou say; men also Small children also may use the grounds, said that although her marriage is not happiness but it can not give up on children's education needs of children grow up to divorced, asked her to wait for him; man's reputation but also because of their status and other reasons, so that Valentine himself patient treatment time, otherwise it will affect the career, the development of interference.
short reasons are varied, endless lover standing position, looking at each other's sincerity, there is no reason not to trust men. Many girls have ignored a very crucial issue is not a world only end the marriage, not from the marriage fails, divorce is certainly a price to pay, he does not want a divorce for you is that you are not worth paying this price.

5, I will always love you

this sentence to the end really should not, this is simply a lie into the ace of the men, the cheapest and most worthless phrase . Under the upper lip touched the lips, these words came out easily without the cost of no responsibility. I will not speak this sentence itself can not be verified, said it is always two words, not his wife who said, now is not the case.
affair more realistic, and time is limited by the feelings of the environment. It is often only present on behalf of a person's desire, lack of normal growth of the space. A man may marry his own extramarital affair object, but will always love her but it is more complex. Perhaps there never was a world forever, fulfill a relationship, it is always fresh and the perfect solution is not to start it. Start the feelings are like opening a bottle of wine, more or less to be volatile.

6, afraid to hurt you and it did not tell you I married

man was found concealed married to their original identity, and the other innocent when pulling into the affair, often used this sentence to absolve itself, of course, in order to increase credibility, that they are not mean to be a liar when feelings, plus the expression of deep sorrow and remorse of the emotions, so many girls, a soft heart to forgive him .
fact, men hide their identity, essentially selfish, saying that fear of harm to each other, but fear that the other did not give himself the opportunity, typical of the type you want What is done can not be undone, using emotional blackmail the other party reluctant to intervene in her extramarital affairs among the captive until he re-released when all the other side lose the retreat. Of course, knowing the other party will continue after marriage, the girl is irresponsible for themselves, so that man's greed to succeed.

these days there is no arranged marriage, and marriage freedom, freedom of divorce, do you think will be hurt as a married person you love, then divorce, well, you do not want to do it or eating a bowl to see a pot of style, I wish more girls could understand this.

7, can not leave his wife because she did not let go

some men will be lovers in addition to his wife in front of slander, but also their own responsibility not to divorce his wife, saying his wife a divorce to Xunsimihuo, crying, so they can not achieve the purpose, took the opportunity to make a confessed lover. Valentine's often a sense of superiority is in front of his wife comes out of this, she would scorn such a woman, her husband does not like you people, you rely on the men do.
but in fact, only a small part of that is the case, belonging to his wife did not want to leave, a man dry Mozhe. More often men are doing at home doing this, nothing to coax his wife to do housework delay, did not mention this to his wife, or he once uttered awkward affair, but the man put a lie over a wife , people back together, have a good harmony of the easy life, the only silly lover is still there waiting for news of the divorce. If nothing else
hard to make a woman caught in an affair awakening, then when they face the men in the real time of normal family life will often have the feeling of epiphany.

8, let us do it

best friend, lover to make when faced with the decision of breaking up, and men not willing to accept this result, men often say this.
he does not willing to give up, but they can not change this decision, the way you want to stay through the Quxianjiuguo real separation of the arrival of the disguised with Valentine's determination to continue to paralysis.
woman can not afford to corners, the spouses. Make the best friend the name of the banner, he can continue to be involved in her life, to promote their own feelings, so she does not have the real heart of the dead, because such contacts become not quiet. As long as a suitable opportunity, but also between them may soon break through boundaries, back to the original relationships.
really understand women, men tend to be unsympathetic to leave, because they can not give a commitment to practice, not as good as silence. He would prefer to carry all the sins are their own, only so she can eventually find the exit.

9, and others are not true feelings, only with you is really a lot of men

lover will always be the case with the class the next game to conquer. Of men to women is the biggest killer to let her feel special, and others are not the same, this will meet the woman's vanity and sense of conquest. In order to be able to see him give up his other feelings, but also very rewarding.
but this sentence is close to zero credibility. For those many men have extra-marital affairs, the derailment is like a disease, and habitual dislocation of the general, under the right conditions occur, they are good at different woman looking for different things, these are their needs of, a person can never stop.
very interesting phenomenon is that third parties will not, and sometimes competing with the wife of a man, on the contrary they will have a wife have a guilt will not stop a good man to his wife, they think it is their own happiness men real aim, she does not mind his own marriage and a lover of double happiness, but she is very small mind another four fifth man, who was for so they are very hated.

10, do not believe that the secular point of view, extra-marital affairs is consistent with human nature

unmarried girls are often the identity of their lover feel pressure, full of guilt and self-denial pain, older married men like to use their strengths to brainwash girls and tell them marriage is the pressure of secular human nature, while extra-marital affairs is the pursuit of true freedom and liberation, attempts to extra-marital affairs into a reasonable logic, free Valentine's psychological burden.
sense, extra-marital affairs is consistent with human nature, selfishness and greed of some, but it will never be part of the mainstream of humanity, the world does not exist to limit any desire to meet the conditions of a person. Even if the premise that morality is measured not only from the perspective of reality, no one needs to compromise on reality. You can not have marriage also want to extramarital affairs, extramarital affair with his wife whether you also want, wife lover is not whether you also want to ask you to divorce. The world is not a person, we have to coexistence with others, must be based on the object to the demand to adjust their behavior.
men in extra-marital affairs in a number of reasons and most are self-serving excuses. They need to find a way to make themselves more frankly. But a person does not consider the secular and the pressure is not put yourself for her sake, he wanted nothing more than lovers do nothing required to be a good lover, but for lovers of the future without any benefit.

11, with you not to go to bed

play only the feelings of men extramarital affairs do not involve the body's small, on the contrary does not involve feelings related to the body down a lot. Can not be without love there are always naked? $ Falcon Pride window playing Sang Ke Ti trafficking sediment partridge foot ditch Wan Nai Chun Meng heavy atmosphere of small bottles of excellent S ridiculed Tim Hammer Division fishy sudden quiet downtown Xiu Yuan P command line that hibiscus Pat Wyatt evil small-minded swing elections? br /> According to an attempt to cover up the truth always lies the principle point of view, the more that the men not to go to bed more attention to sex. Of course, they also argue that so-called love only sex, sex is really the perfect combination of feelings, or their request is not positive, with action to lure women take the initiative, the purpose is to reach them anyway, the most important thing.

12, I will not be at home with my wife

in extramarital relationships, men and women will not help the relationship between the two people located in the position of husband and wife, this species of the party positioning will lead to extra-marital conflict instinctive man marriage. If this time a man can not divorce, extramarital relationships are not
especially the married life of this problem, more direct and more sensitive, so some men will say that they are lovers in the heart in the Han Cao Ying, although sleeping in a bed, but that little trick did not, themselves lovers Shoushenruyu it, prove his innocence and pure love how. Not to mention really, is some men who had an affair with my wife to exclude altogether, it is foolish because thinking and confusion caused by the conviction, but in fact most men can not do this, but will use more the performance of hospitality to let his wife suspicious. So, this is a bluffing is usually a pack of lies, not only that, those who brought their own privacy between husband and wife to please the lover of men, there are character issues.

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