Thursday, March 24, 2011

In addition to bad breath to constipation and relieve inflammation Ten snacks

 Introduction: life, we often eat foods are easy to get angry. If you have a look at the symptoms, then you get angry. Such as the stomach fire may have stomach pain, dry stools, bad breath and other symptoms. Here to introduce you to relieve inflammation 10 snacks! stomach and spleen

hundred reasonable relieve inflammation Key words: mild cough
Chinese medicine, lily sweet, slightly bitter, slightly cold. Into the heart, lung two classics, the Ching of the product. With Yin lungs, pure heart and soothe the nerves, antipyretic and diuretic, cough and asthma, stomach and spleen of the effectiveness of management.
small snacks: sweet apricot lily rice porridge. Rice 100 grams, 30 grams of lily, sweet almond 20 grams Wash cook porridge.
powerful tonic: to stir-fried vegetables with Lily, the fragrance of lilies and vegetables can increase appetite.

lotus seed longevity
relieve inflammation Keywords: distraught
a long life of lotus, ancient writings of many herbal seeds that can prolong life. The role of lotus kidney, spleen, nourishing the heart, tranquilizer, anti-aging. With a lotus with white Fuling, yam and medicine, rice, Chencang meters, sugar, etc., steamed into a cake. Daily take the most longevity.
small snacks: snack shop to buy some lotus seed cake, lotus seed paste sandwich cake, lotus seed paste moon cake, fresh coconut cake and eat seeds.
powerful tonic: steamed buns with lotus seed to, and as lovely bread core consumption.

Tremella improve looking dull
relieve inflammation Keywords: looking dull
per 100 grams of dried white fungus containing 5 to 6 grams of protein, fat, 0.6 grams to 3.1 grams, 79 grams carbohydrates, crude 2.6 g fiber, 380 milligrams of calcium, phosphorus 250 mg, 30 mg of iron, also contains vitamin B2, carotene, protein, etc. ** glial essential nutrients. Can lungs cough, Sheng Jin Yin, also has to eliminate muscle fatigue, bad imitation of the role of brain.
eat small snacks: first Tremella Aozhi thick melted into the casserole, then peeled and smashed tomatoes, washed, placed in white fungus soup boil, add crystal sugar to taste.
powerful tonic: the white fungus (fungus), and black fungus with, in contact with mustard soy sauce, the taste is very fresh. Qiu Li Gao

lungs phlegm
relieve inflammation Keywords: little pyrophlegm
fat, an exam can be admitted to eating a certain, people do not want to eat admitted to never pass the test. Qiu known as
eat small snacks: Autumn buy two bottles of Li Gao. This autumn Li Gao did not have medicine taste spice, pear scented, sweet and delicious, lungs and cough.
powerful tonic: the pears into small pieces and stir together honey, edible, sweet and delicious.

American ginseng fatigue
relieve inflammation Keywords: weak
American ginseng, also known as American ginseng. He saponins contained a significant anti-fatigue, anti-diuretic, anti-anoxia capacity. In particular, deficiency occurs in people less gas, dry mouth, thirst, malaise fatigue situation, and put in the porridge or stew in a number of American ginseng, not only to calm Qiuzao, but also a mild tonic.
small snacks eaten: the market, there is a small food honey ginseng, American ginseng is wrapped in a honey do, and taste crispy and delicious.
powerful tonic: when eating hot pot, place the root, can be effective tonic.

apples effectively reduce blood cholesterol levels
relieve inflammation Keywords: bloated
Western saying goes,
eat small snacks: meat shop in some specialized string with baked apples, dried apples Dry, and taste do not have taste.
powerful tonic: the apple, yam, peeled and cut into uniform small pieces, stir into sauce in a blender, and finally with honey to taste.

yam can relieve inflammation pure heart and soothe the nerves
Key words: skeletal pain
yam also belongs to traditional Chinese medicine. Can pure heart and soothe the nerves, Bu Zhong Yi Qi, to help the five internal organs, strong bones. Yam is rich in starch, protein, inorganic salts, vitamin B, niacin, ascorbic acid, carotene and other nutrients. Therefore, intake of food can be a lot of mucus yam protein, can prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems of fat deposition, maintaining blood vessel elasticity and prevent arteriosclerosis.
eat small snacks: The yam mashed into powder, transferred into the pot boiling sugar trap children in mind, the yam dumpling made of glutinous rice flour stuck with the food.
powerful tonic: make candied yams, and then let cool a refrigerator when the candy to eat.

sesame seeds can relieve inflammation laxative
Keywords: sesame seeds can be dry stool
laxative to keep our stool is not dry. In addition, because rich in protein and unsaturated fatty acids, can keep blood sugar stable and beneficial to improvement of bone density, flexibility of our joints, and beautify our skin.
eat small snacks: a seasoned millet mush tea in Beijing is taking advantage of hot cornmeal porridge, when Sheng to the bowl, sprinkle the surface of a thick sesame seeds, topped with a little sesame oil and salt with sesame is a good tune percent.
powerful tonic: the time for dry noodles, a sauce by adding more, that is, sesame seeds, sesame seeds or to buy sugar.

honey nutrients can be taken to all parts of the body relieve inflammation
Keywords: skin minimalist
nutrition experts believe that honey is a natural whole food nutrition in one, rich in the necessary life activities active substances and water, can be reconciled Baiyao in Chinese medicine, that is, it can be nutrients into our body parts. More consumption of honey not only keeps the skin outside, but also less dependent organs.
eat small snacks: Propolis Sugar is very popular in recent years, the beauty of small food, may wish to buy food.
powerful tonic: in all areas with the sugar, sweetened with honey are changed.

tea to thirsty
relieve inflammation Key words: dry mouth
fermented drink moderate, not cold not hot, flat oolong tea, can effectively eliminate the summer body heat deposition, recovery of body fluid, people feel the mouth moist, nourishing the whole body. But also through water diuresis, the exclusion of moisture for the summer heat is also very effective.
small snacks eaten: and when the tea is to add some honey inside, moistening fluid's effect is more evident.
powerful tonic: Oolong tea every day not only to drink, but also appropriate to add some honey in it.
(Tencent Women Forum)

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