Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Zhao Ya find a cause

 Has not understand why they are susceptible ~
unfortunately, this time winning the ~
Throughout their diet ~ it seems these days to find a number of reasons
from last week ~
grandmother bought a lot of bananas ~
my day 2 ~
A while back, the recent stomach easier than actually hungry ~ Saturday night, start looking for food ~
But the PP home only to find nothing to eat ~ ~ ate peanut cakes 2 ( sweet )
Zhou morning , I have drawn up plans to buy a cream puff and the Ya-Ya butterfly sweet cakes, and 9 to go out ~
After queuing for 15 minutes after , I bought a 30 yuan puffs, butterfly cakes and red beans small bian ~
not help , try the two , good taste ( sweet and is baked )
also looking for the car to Rongqiao Yixin ~
sudden sudden going to walk all day ~
I really admire ~ ( who let me walk, me and who urgently )
Zhou night seems a little aggravated condition ~
points Monday after a good massage a little ~
End on Wednesday ~ drank a glass of prenatal nutrition Express ~
afternoon cough ~
knew that something ~
really left tonsils ~
sum ~ I ~ sweet too bad digestive fire , resulting in phlegm ~
it again ill ~
recently pregnant women have died of swine flu rate of swirling speculation ~ a Lee said, you should not wear masks and other isolation ~
I think I was not a ~
want a good breakfast out ~
out in a small one before.

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