Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Doudou long to tell you ... where the body is sick '

 Forehead Zhangdou
reasons: stress, bad temper , and blood circulation caused by Firelight problems .
improvement: early hours , drink plenty of water .
2. eyebrows among Zhangdou :
reasons: chest , arrhythmia , heart palpitations.
improve : Do not do too much intense exercise, avoid tobacco, alcohol , spicy foods.
3. nose Zhangdou :
reasons: excessive stomach fire , digestive abnormalities.
improvement : eat cold food.
4. nose Zhangdou :
reasons: ovarian function, or reproductive system.
improve : Do not over-indulgence or abstinence, and more fresh air to the outdoors .
5. the right cheek Zhangdou :
reasons: pulmonary function disorders.
improvement : take good care of the respiratory tract, to avoid mango, taro , seafood and other food allergies .
6. left cheek Zhangdou :
reasons: liver function is not smooth , hot toxic .
improvement: the normal daily routine , maintaining a good mood , the wind blew cold air , do not let the body in a hot environment.
7. lip around the Zhangdou :
reasons: constipation lead to accumulation of toxins from the body , or excessive use of fluoride toothpaste .
improvement : Eat high-fiber fruits and vegetables
8. chin Zhangdou :
reasons: endocrine disorders.
improvement: eat cold things.
9. temples :
small acne near the temple , showing your diet contains too many processed foods, the gallbladder caused by obstruction, the body lines need to quickly clean-up of 15

good acne Habits

1, eight glasses of water a day . Early in the morning before eating will not drink a glass of water , you can clear the stomach. (I believe a lot of ppl do know , the question is do not do it .)

2, a day will be . Adhere to good habits good care , detoxification , if necessary, bananas conditioning it.

3, should not stay up late. Stay up all night is the most beautiful skin natural enemies .

4, wash time , thoroughly , not to have residue of cosmetics

5, a small play on the computer , cell phone can not boot put the bed , a radiation effect on the skin worse .

6, can not hand squeeze acne , off on their own , so easy to leave marks . [title = tell you ... where the sick body length Peas.

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